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A-Ha Moments

What does an aha-moment look like?

Written by: Bill Sherman on Tuesday, 16 May 2006, 11:51 PM

What does an aha-moment look like? Here’s one example. Recently, I chatted with a friend who had a successful twenty-year career with a Madison Avenue advertising agency. He has left the agency to launch his own company.

When I asked him how the transition was going, here’s what he said:

“When I started my own business, I kept thinking that I’m going to get yelled at for having this much fun. Then, I said, ‘wait . . . work doesn’t have to be NOT fun.’

I had spent so many years in a workplace where people beat on each another. I just started to assume that work always equaled something bad. Not anymore!

Now, work equals great! I love my new life. Instead of commuting and schlepping to work, I can work-out in the mornings. I’m here at work in my shorts and fuzzy slippers. It’s been amazing so far, and it’s only going to get better.”

My friend found his aha-moment. He rediscovered the joy in work, and it has changed his mindsets and his behaviors. I’m certain that when he connects with his clients and colleagues, he now radiates energy and excitement.

Where will you find your aha-moments?

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