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When Others Share Time with You, It’s Their Gift to You

Written by: Bill Sherman on Monday, 5 June 2006, 6:17 PM

This morning, I was exchanging e-mails with someone whom I’d like to get to know better and build a friendship. He responded with warm interest, but he pointed out that his life had many commitments–a spouse, children, an aging mother, and his career. He didn’t want to make promises that he wasn’t ready to keep.
Each of us has a limited amount of time available to us in life.

Therefore, when someone chooses to spend time with me, I view it as a very personal (and significant) gift–regardless of whether it’s five minutes, an hour, or an afternoon. When you demand (or expect) time from friends or loved ones, you can easily find yourself disappointed if things don’t go as perfectly as you planned they would. Sometimes conflicting schedules won’t allow you to connect. Or people may only have a few minutes they can share with you.

When it comes to friendships throughout life (business, home, and family), cherish what you have. You’ll find more joy in your relationships that way.

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